Welcome to this month’s FREETOGO blog post.
After some strong encouragement, I cleaned up most of the FREETOGO website. This includes standardizing on two font types throughout and reducing the elements on the first page. Also, I organized the categories on the Travel Now page into sections and placed them alphabetically within each section. People agree that this makes the website more readable and easier to navigate.
Now, let’s move on to the recommended videos for this month. I’d like to draw your attention to a few categories I have yet to focus on. These are newly renamed categories found in the Locations section on the Travel Now page.
1) To begin, please take a look at the Locations – N. America category. Once again, I believe you will find all of the 37 videos in this category interesting to watch.
However, because this is a top destination for others, it is a great time right now to look at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | Expedia.
“Philadelphia – Welcome to the city considered to be the birthplace of the United States. The Declaration of Independence was written and read publicly in Philadelphia in 1776. While watching this video, you’ll get a sense of the city’s history through its numerous monuments, symbols, and other landmarks, such as the First Bank of the United States and the warship USS Olympia. See the Liberty Bell and the remains of the Eastern State Penitentiary, which housed notorious criminals like Al Capone.
Fairmount Park is the perfect place for a stroll. See the Please Touch Museum for interactive exhibits and displays that will educate and entertain. Head to the Philadelphia Zoo and make friends with some of the animals.
People love to sample some of the delicious food available in Philadelphia, particularly the fresh goods and cooked meals at the Italian Market.
From culinary delicacies to historical importance, Philadelphia truly has it all.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this video as much as we enjoyed making it.”
2) Next, take a look at the Locations – S. America category. I believe you will also find the 12 videos in this category interesting to watch.
The video to focus on first? Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Expedia. If you have never been there, you’ll be amazed by what you see!
“Rio de Janeiro is one of South America’s most famous hubs of energy. Join the sixteen million people that live here as you watch the video of this top vacation destination. (UNESCO World Heritage site.)”
3) Lastly, take a look at the Locations – Australia/Oceania category. Enjoy the 14 videos in this category!
Check out the video, Dunedin, New Zealand | Expedia. Most people have never heard of this city. They'll be pleasantly surprised as they learn about this quant and lovely city in New Zealand.
Note: FREETOGO is entirely free. Also, there are no ads on the site to interrupt your visit. However, that is not true for many of the videos because YouTube hosts them. They are free to watch but have ads. Yet, if you wish, you can eliminate the ads by paying to become a premium member of YouTube.
You can access YouTube’s Premium Membership signup here:
I invite you to check out the above videos and the many others curated for this website.
Also, be sure to see all of the many ways people are using FREETOGO at the bottom of the 'Travel Now’ page.
Most importantly, help to improve the quality of life of everyone. Please share this website far and wide, especially with anyone unable to travel freely. Sign up as a member, leave a testimonial, and visit the website regularly!
Get creative and have some fun traveling virtually. I look forward to the day when the term Virtual Travel will be as commonplace as the term travel.
Thank you.”